Friday, November 9, 2012


hello my non-existent readers, I have returned from a four year absence.  I've been pretty busy with the whole job thing, working 50+ hours a week and all.  In the last four years I have gotten a new car (Pontiac G6, was my mom's, has some suspension issues but otherwise is a good car) a new job (I work at a factory that makes gas meters that go on your house so the utilities company knows how much gas you use) a new apartment (actually moved twice since my last post and my best friend is my roomate now) and the reason I came back here again, I have been playing a shit-ton of Pokemon lately.

So I have been playing Pokemon Diamond for some time now, and I had managed to acquire all 493 pokemon (in that generation at any rate, I haven't played much of Black and White, and even if I had, I can't transfer any of them backwards, so 493 is the limit) everything that was possible to get legitimately, I got the correct way, certain impossible legendaries had to be gotten by cheating (Jirachi, Celebi, next to impossible to find any legit) everything else is 100% legit.  Anyway, I have one of every possible pokemon, including all 28 unown, and I have been power leveling them all so I can get them all to lvl 100.  As of this post, I have all of my Pokemon over lvl 25.

Today I managed to get my first lvl 100, my Lucario is the first one to get there.  Then shortly thereafter my Garchomp hit 100, then my Luxray, then my Starapter, and finally my Bibarel.  All told, I got 5 pokemon to lvl 100 today while training my Pachirisu (which went from 25 to 33).  Since my leveling team all hit 100, I now need a new team, so my next highest level pokemon are my lvl 97 Infernape (my starter from Diamond, and the pokemon I've had the longest in this game), lvl 70 Heatran, lvl 70 Regigigas, lvl 70 Giratina, and lvl 56 Golbat.  Of those five, only Flamer (my Infernape) has been a part of my main team.

so in conclusion, my list of 100s now includes
Pokemon                                                          party
Lucario                                                             (Pachirisu, Lucario, Garchomp, Luxray, Starapter, Bibarel)
Garchomp                                                         (Pachirisu, Lucario, Garchomp, Luxray, Starapter, Bibarel)
Luxray                                                               (Pachirisu, Lucario, Garchomp, Luxray, Starapter, Bibarel)
Starapter                                                            (Pachirisu, Lucario, Garchomp, Luxray, Starapter, Bibarel)
Bibarel                                                               (Pachirisu, Lucario, Garchomp, Luxray, Starapter, Bibarel)

I'll be back next time I have an accomplishment to share.

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