Tuesday, September 30, 2008

hooray for black monday!

So everyone knows that our economy sucks right? Well the Dow dropped the most it ever has in one day thanks in part to the congress (Republicans specifically) shooting down an emergency measure to keep the economy from going to crap. Way to go, you guys just turned your so-called "mental recession" into the opening scene from "Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo". Oh yeah, SNL did a parody of the Republican vp nominee Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Couric, WITHOUT CHANGING ANY OF HER WORDS! How does a party screw up so bad that their candidates are parodies of themselves?! The idea of "President McCain" scares the hell out of me. Having a war record only goes so far. Sooner or later people are going to have to realize that John McCain is a political chameleon, who sucks at blending in. I mean how do you explain voting 90%+ with a person who has an 80% disapproval rate? John Stewert said it best on the Daily Show, that when you want someone to overreact to something 10 days after it happens, John McCain is your man. I think that the ONLY pick that is a sane choice is Obama-Biden. At least Barack shows good judgement in picking a running mate.

Here is to the grand reopening of neighborhood bread lines and soup kitchens.


p.s. if this isn't a recession bordering on a depression, then I am the Queen of England.

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